Sub Processors List
Sub Processors List Followed by Mikro Cyber Cloud
Last Updated: 04 December, 2024
This Sub Processors List (“Sub Processors List”), as updated from time to time, supplements and its term and conditions are subject to MikroCyberCloud’s Terms of Service (“TOS”), by and between MikroCyberCloud and Customer, which are incorporated herein by this reference, and identifies sub-processors authorized by MikroCyberCloud to subprocess Customer Content or Personal Data related to the Website and/or Services, for which MikroCyberCloud is a data processor. Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the TOS.
Sub-processors will be permitted to process Customer Content or Personal Data only to the extent required to deliver the Services or service requests MikroCyberCloud has retained them to provide, and each is prohibited from using such data for any other purpose, in respect to agreements with sub-processors. For more information, visit Company’s Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Data Protection Agreement.
Customer acknowledges, agrees, and permits sub-processors to process, store, or otherwise access Customer Content or Personal Data to serve or deliver certain services for the Website and/or the Services as identified below.
The Sub Processors List below may not apply to previews or other products or services not yet in general release by MikroCyberCloud.
Collected Data
-IP address
-Information about your visit, including the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL) clickstream to, through and from our site (including date and time)
-Products you viewed or searched for
-Page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs)
-Methods used to browse away from the page
Targeted advertising and user analytics
-IP Address
Email Spam Filter
Global Domain Group
-Phone Number
-Physical Address
-Technical information including IP addresses used to view the invoice; the type of browser, devices and operating systems; identifiers associated with the device(s) used to access sites; the pages visited and the features used; access dates and times; and if navigated from or navigate to another website, the address of that website; and information regarding your internet service provider
Domain Registration, Renewal, Transfer
Alfa Payment Gateway
-Phone Number
-Technical information including IP addresses used to view the invoice; the type of browser, devices and operating systems; identifiers associated with the device(s) used to access sites; the pages visited and the features used; access dates and times; and if navigated from or navigate to another website, the address of that website; and information regarding your internet service provider
-Products purchased and price at the relevant merchant
Process Transactions